Our school provides hands-on technology as a daily part of your child's education. We have two computer labs used for special projects, software programs, computer classes, and testing. All students also go to computers on their CLAMP specials schedule for 2 days in a row, allowing them the opportunity to begin and complete projects including internet safety instruction, Microsoft Office Applications, as well as do research and even sharpen up their typing skills. We also have over 25 classrooms with mounted interactive projectors, student desktop computers in every classroom, and laptop devices issued to each classroom.
Our 5th grade classes provide a daily morning news program to help keep our students up to date with upcoming events. On Evans News Network, ENN, we have two daily anchors, and 4 reporters. We have 4 behind the scene, technical equipment operators as well
Students during Specials Computer Classes

Students using Nooks during Intervention

Lego Robotics Club

Kindergarten Interactive Lesson